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Andrey M. Karpachevskiy
This paper briefly describes the method of creation of a series of maps that allows at the stage of preliminary design of the power line to obtain several options for placing its route. The author proposes an approach in which mapping at medium scales for the purpose of preliminary studies of the route of a new power line is carried out on the basis of open access data and takes into account different geographical factors of power lines placement. These factors include the existing electric grid infrastructure, the spatial structure and configuration of the electric network, the maximum wind and ice loads likely 1 time in 25 years, natural hazards, sanitary, economic and regulatory restrictions, as well as the potential impact on the environment. The use of remote sensing data provides information on existing electrical networks through the use of a interpretation feature of the power line pylon species composition, which is then used at all stages of the creation of map series. The author for the first time offers a technique that allows to carry out the variants of power lines routes at two levels: at the first level the connection between the network points on the basis of its structural analysis; on the second level the concrete placement of the route of power lines within the studied territory between the chosen points is proved. The work summarizes many years of experience in this field, including the interpretation of remote sensing data, spatial configurations of electrical networks, network analysis, assessment of the structural reliability of power systems, mapping of climatic loads, taking into account socio-economic factors and automation of the process of route selection by GIS.
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For citation: Karpachevskiy A.M. CARTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT FOR PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF POWER LINE ROUTE SELECTION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):334–340 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-334-340 (in Russian)