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About the Author
Tatiana S. Nokelaynen
119991, Moscow, Russia,
Nowadays more and more attention is paid to climate change policy and sustainable development, for which transport still presents a major challenge. Road and railway transport plays an important role in the pollution of the natural environment. Waterway transportation is more efficient and environmentally friendly than other modes of transport, but alongside these advantages, it still has a major impact on the quality of the water environment. Therefore, it is highly important to monitor and analyse the environmental impacts of inland waterway transport at the county scale. For this purpose, the thematic ecological database was developed for the territory of Russia and the digital map of the environmental impacts of inland waterway transport was created at a scale of 1 : 20 000 000. The degree of impact of river transport on the water quality is assessed according to three main factors, depending on the capacity of passenger and cargo flows, types of cargo, as well as the self-cleaning capacities of natural water bodies (river discharge and volume of the water bodies). Conducted research aims to support decision makers with comprehensive data on the environmental impact of inland waterway transport and helps to define the priority regions of Russia requiring measures of improvement of transport and ecological conditions.
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For citation: Nokelaynen T.S. MAPPING OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF INLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORT IN RUSSIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):131–137 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-131-137