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About the Author
Sergey L. Turkov
Kim Yu Chen str., 65, 680000, Khabarovsk, Russia, E-mail:
Submit for consideration some methodological and applied questions of working out the National conception of Sustainable Development for Russia, as the official doctrine for their general maturity (1996). The purpose and common direction for using of results—working out the “human-machine” systems of planning (or support) of making the optimum decisions for regions and locals organizing structures for control of natural resources use (the complexity organized systems of “nature-society” class).
In the base for researching has set: the new paradigm of system presentation of the world, the theory of “noosphere” by P.T. de Charden, E. Le Rua (1927), V.I. Vernadskiy (1933), the “new theory of entropiya” by A.N. Panchenkov (1999). The object of research are—the class of Active Complexity organized “nature-society” systems; the subject—concepts of “balance” for complexity systems and Conception of “Sustainable Development”; the methods for researching—are the Game-Theory modelling, the “Game against Nature”, antagonistic, coalition, cooperative, strategic and others, which are demand by condition for staging problems, games. During to modelling this ensuring the full integration all of accessible today natural sciences knowledge, and then to use a chance carry out for computing operations of situation control for “nature—society” systems.
Offered the new—“geosystem”—approach with researching for the problems of sustainable development, which including itself the chances as external (the “technical-human”), as and internal (or the “clement”, then support and restore the ecological balance) of control the Nature and Society. In the terms of the “new theory of entropiya” worked out the next scientist formulations of concepts: the class of “nature—society” system; the conflict (in it indefinite condition; this is the main functional process its development), “meta-knowledge” for geoecology, and alsopresented determination for concepts of “balance” and “sustainable development”. In the quality of examples of proven reliability and using applied results of research were graphics calculation by second antagonistic games (“Game against Nature”). For practical realization of National conception of Sustainable Development in our country we need to make the new and reliable of XXI century “Knowledge Industry” (by T. Stonier, 1987), which on national level must to be way out of the next formula: “Figure of Russia” = (“figure of the Earth” + “figure of the economics”).
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For citation: Turkov S.L. NATIONAL CONCEPTION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR RUSSIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2018;24(1):30–43 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2018-1-24-30-43 (in Russian)