DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-143-154

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About the Authors

V. V. Dmitriev

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences
Russian Federation
199178, St. Petersburg, VO, 10-line 33-35

A. N. Ogurtsov

Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences
Russian Federation
199178, St. Petersburg, VO, 10-line 33-35

V. Yu. Razzhivin

Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
197376, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov st 2


The article considers the approach to the integral estimation of the assessment of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHc) in the soil cover of Sakhalin Island. The soil map of Sakhalin was used as the cartographic base for this work. The soil map includes 103 soil polygons. An additional information on soils was also taken from The Soil Atlas of the Russian Federation. As an integral criterion for the accumulation of PHc, it is proposed to use an integral indicator calculated on the basis of 5 evaluation criteria. The choice of criteria for the assessment was based on the works of Russian scientists. The evaluation criteria on each of the polygons include information on the soil texture, the total thickness of the organic and humus horizons, the content of organic carbon in these horizons and the content of organic carbon in the mineral horizons, as well as the presence of a gley barrier.

The calculation of the integral indicator is based on the principles of the ASPID methodology. On this basis, the authors compiled the map of the potential capacity of Sakhalin soils to accumulate petroleum hydrocarbons. On the basis of GIS-technology using the estimates of the integral indicator, the analysis has been performed revealing the features of spatial differentiation of PHc accumulation in the soil cover.

The analysis and assessment of the accumulations of petroleum hydrocarbons has shown that peaty and peat boggy soil have the greatest ability to holding the PHc. The lowest ability to accumulate petroleum hydrocarbons is typical of illuvial-ferruginous podzols (illuvial low-humic podzols). The soils of this group occupy 1% of the island. In general, soils with low and very low hydrocarbon accumulation capacity occupy less than forty percent of the territory. 


soil, petroleum hydrocarbons, estimation of accumulation, ASPID, GIS


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For citation: Dmitriev V.V., Ogurtsov A.N., Razzhivin V.Y. INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS OF ACCUMULATION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS IN THE SOIL COVER OF SAKHALIN ISLAND. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):143–154 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-143-154 (in Russian)