DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-40-53

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About the Author

O. I. Markova

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Geographical Faculty,

119991, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow


An experience of creating maps of culture landscapes of Rylsky monastery (Kursk Region) and its environs in average and large scales has been considered.

This territory is historically related with Rylsky monastery of Bulgaria and its holy ascetic Ioann Rylsky. It has a cultural-historical value, gets many monuments of architecture including the monument of federal value (Assumption Cathedral of Rylsk town). During the years of Soviet rule many objects of religious architecture were lost or in a state of desolation and destruction. In connection with the process of urbanization some rural settlements were abandoned, ceased their existence and turned into tracts in some places.

In the restoration and transformation of the cultural landscape of the territory, in giving it spirituality a great role was played by the elder, the abbot of the St. Nicholas Monastery archimandrite Hippolytus (Khalin, 1928-2002). The St. Nicholas Monastery in the village Prigorodnyaya Slobodka near Rylsk town was picked up from ruins, five sketes in rural settlements of Rylsk district were opened, the Kazansky Convent in the village Bolshegneuschevo was created. Opening of monasteries and sketes made it possible to establish a monastic life, to realize a spiritual care of people and created the basis for restoration of temples that existed before in these settlements.

Many natural components of cultural landscapes of this region are unusual: several holy springs, geological and geomorphological objects including a field of the curative blue clay, memorial plants, landscape plans. The Monastery and its cultural landscape attract pilgrims and tourists who illustrative here not only spiritual and moral, but also physical health.

Mapping of the Monastery and its environs was implemented at two scale levels in traditions of geographical cartography using methods of illustrativeness of images and completeness of display of historical-geographical information. 


memorials of a cultural heritage, a cultural landscape, a transformation of the landscape, an illustrative mapping of cultural-historical objects, Rylsky monastery


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For citation: Markova O.I. MAPPING FEATURES OF A CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF RYLSKY MONASTERY AND ITS ENVIRONS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(2):40–53 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-2-23-40-53 (in Russian)