DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-191-204

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About the Authors

A. N. Ogurtsov

Saint Petersburg State University
Russian Federation

Institute of Earth Sciences,

199178, St. Petersburg, VO, 10-line 33-35

V. V. Dmitriev

Saint Petersburg State University
Russian Federation

Institute of Earth Sciences,

199178, St. Petersburg, VO, 10-line 33-35


The article considers indicator approach to assessment of potential stability of landscapes. As an example of integrated criterion the index of climate biological efficiency (TK) has been used. Calculations of TK index for assessment of stability of landscapes have been executed for the territory of Tver Region. Cartograms of TK index and its components have been made. Geospatial analysis has been carried out and estimates of potential stability of landscapes are given. The example of mapping and calculation of the TK index serves as a starting point for using it in multi-criteria assessment of the state and emergent properties of geosystems built on the principles of ASPID-methodology. This example reflects the possibility of using the indicator approach in the first stage of the study of resistance to changes in the parameters of natural regime for the subsequent multicriteria and integral assessment of resistance to changes in the parameters of natural and anthropogenic regimes of geosystems functioning. The use of the index of climate biological efficiency as an indicator of sustainability will make it possible to actively use it in future in geoecological research.


stability of a landscape, indicators, TK index, assessment, ASPID methodology, GIS


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For citation: Ogurtsov A.N., Dmitriev V.V. GEOINFORMATION ANALYSIS OF THE INDEX OF BIOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY OF CLIMATE AS CRITERION FOR EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL STABILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):191–204 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-191-204 (in Russian)