DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-130-142

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About the Author

N. N. Filatov

Northern Water Problems Institute, KRC RAS
Russian Federation
Petrozavodsk, A.Nevskogo 50, Republic of Karelia


The review presents results of the creation of databases, geoinformation and information systems, catalogs and expert systems and atlases of the Northern European part of Russia. The main goals of the created products are to systematize existing information on water resources and water bodies and provide official information about water bodies of all subjects of water relations; predict current and future planning of water use, and also reasonably set fees for the use of water bodies and resources. An important application of the works performed in the NWPI is to solve problems related to ensuring environmental safety. The experience of development and technology for the implementation of GIS projects such as “Water Resources”, “Water Objects”, information and reference systems “Lakes, rivers, hydropower structures”, as well as the creation of electronic atlases of the White Sea and their catchment area and the geographical atlas of the region have been shown. The electronic and paper versions of the catalog of lakes and rivers of Karelia, GIS of hydro-technical constructions, GIS-underground waters, sources of technogenic impacts on water objects have been developed. A paper and GIS version of the Onego Lake atlas was created with blocks: сlimate, hydrology, hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, geology, water supply complex, etc. Work has been done to evaluate the overall assessment of hydrography of the territorial structure, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of water resources; inventories of lakes, rivers, groundwaters on maps with the scale smaller than 1: 100000 have been carried out, cadastral numbers have been assigned to water bodies; a quantitative assessment of the distribution of lakes and rivers in the basins of the White Sea and Baltic Sea and the main river watersheds, as well as classification of reservoirs according to size have been made. Expert systems have been developed to assess water quality, trophic status of water bodies using databases, data knowledge based on the application of methods of the theory of artificial intelligence.


catalogs, atlases, databases, expert systems, GIS-technologies, modeling, forecast, natural resources


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For citation: Filatov N.N. AN EXPERIENCE OF INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR REGIONS OF THE NORTH OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE STATUS AND CHANGES OF WATER OBJECTS AND DRAINS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATIC AND ANTHROPOGENIC FACTORS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):130–142 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-130-142 (in Russian)