DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-108-117

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About the Author

T. A. Vorobyova

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, Department of Environmental Management,

Leninskie Gory 1, Moscow, 119991


The article is devoted to drawing up a map of natural and economic zoning. The map shows the results of human-nature interaction. Materials for analysis are satellite images. The map has been compiled on the basis of interpretation of satellite images using the method of morphological analysis of the territory; it reflects the real picture of the differentiation of the territory of Russia into regions with different spatial and temporal structure of nature management, historically formed in certain natural and socio-economic conditions. The map gives data necessery for understanding the general geographical patterns of the formation of modern territory appearance as a result of regional differences in the sectoral and territorial structure of nature management, which has resulted in differences in ecological situation. While маking up the map, we used series of satellite images with different resolution and ranges, wide range of natural and socio-economic maps, as well as that provide, authenticity in showing the spatial distribution of natural and economic complexes. The main factors that determine the appearance of the territorial structure of nature use are bioclimatic, geological-geomorphological, anthropogenic. We have allocated 110 districts. This provides information for identifying the structure of nature management. First of all, there are flat and mountainous areas. For the plains, three taxonomic units have been adopted, hierarchically subordinated to each other: natural economic zones, provinces and districts. On the map there can be seen zonal, regional and local features of the interaction of economic activities with the natural environment.


regional nature management, natural-economic zoning, natural-economic areas, structuraltextural (morphological) analysis, satellite imagery


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For citation: Vorobyova T.A. NATURAL ECONOMIC ZONING OF RUSSIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):108–117 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-108-117 (in Russian)