DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-232-243

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About the Authors

A. N. Ogurtsov

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth Sciences
Russian Federation

research engineer

199178, St. Petersburg, Russia

K. A. Bahmatova

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth Sciences
Russian Federation

department of biogeography and conservation of nature, associate professor; 

St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia


For urban areas characterized by soil contamination with heavy metals, the spread of which is very uneven, reflecting the distribution of the anthropogenic impact on the landscape in the present and the past. Due to the high population density in the territory of St. Petersburg, assessment of environmental safety and sustainability of soil ecological functioning of particular importance. Patterns of behavior of heavy metals (HM) in the soils studied for many years. Although formed during this time the general understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the mobilization and strengthening of metals in the soil does not have enough accurate quantitative data migration models exhaustively describing the behavior of metals in the soil and the interaction with the individual phases of the carrier. In this paper, an integrated tool for measurement of the potential resistance of urban soils to pollution by heavy metals, and based on 10 various indicators was shown. For this assessment the integrated indicator was proposed and calculated using the ASPID-method. The variant calculations took into account both the ability of the soil to pollutant immobilization and transfer them to the inactive (sedentary) form and opposite her ability of the soil to cleanse itself. The proposed ASPID method was applied to the soils in the suburban area of St. Petersburg. The spatial analysis of the potential resistance was conducted using geographic information system (GIS) technique.


soil, resistance, heavy metals, integrated indicator, ASPID, GIS


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For citation: Ogurtsov A.N., Bahmatova K.A. INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND THE SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL RESISTANCE OF URBAN SOILS TO POLLUTION BY HEAVY METALS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):232–243 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-232-243 (in Russian)