DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-103-112

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About the Authors

A. V. Kaverin

National Research Mordovian state University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, chair of environment and natural resources, Doctor of Agricultural Science

Saransk, 430005, Russian Federation

E. S. Vdovin

National Research Mordovian state University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, chair of environment and natural resources, Candidate of Agricultural Science

 Saransk, 430005, Russian Federation

D. N. Vasil’kina

National Research Mordovian state University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, chair of environment and natural
resources, master of a chair

Saransk, 430005, Russian Federation

O. M. Levashkina

National Research Mordovian state University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, chair of environment and natural resources, master of a chair

Saransk, 430005, Russian Federation


The soil along with the climate is the most important ecological factor determining the existence of the forest. Within the climate of the region the role of soil as an environmental factor is decisive. At the same time, she is an integral part of biogeocenosis or ecosystem. Interacting with other components of the forest – a forest stand, its lower tiers, influencing them, the soil itself is under their constant influence. Forest, thus, can be considered as one of the factors of soil formation. In forestry, more often than in agriculture has to take into account geological conditions, to reckon with the parent rock, relief, its origin. Through the forest the forest is directly connected not only with soil horizons, but also with the parent rock.


forest cover, remote sensing, soil map.


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For citation: Kaverin A.V., Vdovin E.S., Vasil’kina D.N., Levashkina O.M. THE RELATIONSHIP OF SOIL CONDITIONS AND CHARACTER OF NATURAL AFFORESTATION AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MORDOVIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):103–112 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-103-112 (in Russian)