DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-88-97

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About the Authors

A. I. Zhirov

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth sciences
Russian Federation

department of geomorphology, Professor, Doctor of Education, Candidate of Geographical Sciences

 St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia

S. F. Boltramovich

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth sciences
Russian Federation

department of geomorphology, Assistant professor, Candidate of Geographical Sciences

 St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia

M. N. Kalygin

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth sciences
Russian Federation

department of geomorphology, Postgraduate student

St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia


The technique of an engineering and geomorphological assessment of the territory with use of system and morphological approach within design researches in connection with arrangement of oil and gas fields is given. Advantages of preliminary allocation of linear and vulgar elements of a relief to the subsequent engineering and geomorphological mapping are shown. Communication of separate geotopological parameters with an assessment of breakdown rate of pipelines on the example of certain taiga and tundra territories in the Russian North is revealed.


Engineering geomorphology, system-morphological approach, oil and gas industry


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For citation: Zhirov A.I., Boltramovich S.F., Kalygin M.N. ENGINEERING STUDIES BASED ON SYSTEM-MORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH AND AIMED AT EVALUATION OF RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH OIL AND GAS FACILITIES IN NORTHERN REGIONS OF RUSSIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):88–97 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-88-97 (in Russian)