DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-309-321

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About the Authors

S. A. Teslenok

Mordovian state university of N. P. Ogarev
Russian Federation

associate professor, geographical faculty, chair of geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics

Saransk, 430005, Russia

I. A. Semina

Mordovian state university of N. P. Ogarev
Russian Federation

head of chair, geographical faculty, chair of physical and social and economic geography

Saransk, 430005, Russia

K. S. Teslenok

Mordovian state university of N. P. Ogarev
Russian Federation

graduate student, geographical faculty, chair of physical and social and economic geography

Saransk, 430005, Russia


The article analyzes the experience of sociological research on the assessment of social comfort of the population. In connection with the need to accurately and quickly analyze large volumes obtained spatially distributed information that is relevant in sociological research, proposed extensive use of geographic information systems and GIS technologies, combining traditional operations when working with databases (queries and statistical analysis) with the advantages of a full-fledged graphical visualization and geographic analysis. The tasks of further development of sociological studies are solved in the first place, based on the search and use of new mathematical methods and geoinformation-cartographic modeling, as well as determine the optimal ways to graphical visualization of the results.


the results of sociological research, graphical visualization, computer geoinformation modeling and mapping, geographic information systems, social comfort of the population


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For citation: Teslenok S.A., Semina I.A., Teslenok K.S. THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE OPTIMAL METHOD AND IS CAPABLE OF GRAPHICAL VISUALIZATION RESULTS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):309–321 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-309-321 (in Russian)