DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-297-309

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About the Author

T. I. Kuznetsova

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS
Russian Federation


The work, carried out within the framework of the electronic «Environmental Atlas of Lake Baikal basin», deals with the scientific problem of creating maps for two sovereign states Russia and Mongolia, based on perceptions of geosystems by Sochava and his followers – the scientists of the Siberian scientific school of geography. Applied value of the environment maps with geosystems-defined content for the informational support in the resolution of sustainable development issues is undeniable. They are an essential tool in assessing stability/variability and potential ecological opportunities of the territory, so they can be used as a base for creating assessment, forecast, recommendation, and environmental maps. The analysis of currently existing cartographic materials shows that Baikal landscapes are well studied, but the accumulated amount of cartographic information is territorially disunited, temporally not synchronized and is not agreed conceptually. Until now, they use classifications of natural territorial units, which are poorly or just not considered as special geosystems. The experience of creating nature maps with geosystems-defined content with characteristics that reflect not only observed intrastructural and external structural relationship of environmental components, but also their possible changes. The present paper solves the problem of creating a specialized survey map «Geosystems of Lake Baikal basin» for the informational support of maps of sustainable development in one of the major regions of Eurasia. The most relevant questions, as follows: 1 – Development of a complex of geosystems-based signs – indicators of sustainable development; 2 – Development of principles of specialized classification of geosystems; 3 – Development of maps content; 4 – cartographic analysis of patterns of spatial differentiation of natural environment in the area of interes; 5 – zoning according to the degree of stability/variability of the environment.


Lake Baikal basin, geosystems, sensitivity, environmental stability, mapping


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For citation: Kuznetsova T.I. GEOSYSTEMS MAPPING FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE BAIKAL BASIN WITHIN THE TRANSBOUNDARY AREA OF RUSSIA AND MONGOLIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):297–309 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-297-309 (in Russian)