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About the Author
A. N. Beshentsev
Russian Federation
laboratory of geoinformation systems, head, professor of RAS
Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russia
Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is created for the organization of information exchange in the country. SDI is the information- telecommunication system that provides access to the public and government authorities to spatial data resources, as well as the dissemination and exchange of data in order to improve the efficiency of their production and use [1]. SDI development is the result of society territorial activities informatization and represents a specific geographical phenomenon, which is characterized by the presence of specific natural and man-made structures, the virtual geographical environment and geoinformation resources and territorial processes of users interaction and movement of resources within the near-earth space. Reliable management of this phenomenon of the modern information society requires accurate and timely inventory data centers, telecommunication highways, reference features, geocoding of interaction participants, etc. A cartographic registration of SDI components and spatio-temporal analysis of their development will provide solution to these problems. In addition, mapping assessment of natural, social and economic conditions of accommodation SDI will establish physical and geographical features of the localization of its objects and will perform predictive modeling of their design.
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For citation: Beshentsev A.N. SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE BAIKAL REGION: PLACEMENT AND MAPPING. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):105–110 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-105-110 (in Russian)