DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-13-33

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About the Authors

V. M. Yablokov

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University World Data Center for Gepgraphy
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, Post-graduate Student

Moscow, 119991, Russia


V. S. Tikunov

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Integrated Mapping Laboratory
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, Head, Doctor of Science, Professor

Moscow, 119991, Russia



Concept of Atlas Information System (AIS) is stated. Similar to traditional paper atlases, the AIS provides the spatial information under present themes and extents. The AIS present information in the cartographical form, including the use of multimedia (photo, video and audio). The user of AIS can influence contents, appearance, visualization parameters by simple manipulations, i.e. to carry out so-called customization. The system also allows the users to display and analyze their own geoinformation. The AIS offers the interface easily understandable to inexperienced users and simplifying the process of interaction with difficult mechanisms of data processing. The AIS could be classified into two groups depending on the representation, first is a stand-alone program with the functions of updating and inquiries to server bases of spatial and non-spatial data, i.e. an independent desktop application, second is a web application which is on the server and is only online available.


atlas information systems, models of sustainable development of territories


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For citation: Yablokov V.M., Tikunov V.S. ATLAS INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):13–33 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-13-33 (in Russian)