DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-599-604

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About the Authors

V. A. Shchekotova

SUE ‘Research and Project Institute of Moscow Сity Master Plan’, Moscow, Russia, Vtoraya Brestskaya st., 2/14, 125047
Russian Federation

A. A. Minin

SUE ‘Research and Project Institute of Moscow Сity Master Plan’, Moscow, Russia, Vtoraya Brestskaya st., 2/14, 125047
Russian Federation

A. V. Voskova

SUE ‘Research and Project Institute of Moscow Сity Master Plan’, Moscow, Russia, Vtoraya Brestskaya st., 2/14, 125047
Russian Federation

M. E. Semina

SUE ‘Research and Project Institute of Moscow Сity Master Plan’, Moscow, Russia, Vtoraya Brestskaya st., 2/14, 125047
Russian Federation


The main instrument of planning and formation of ecological network in the Moscow region should be geo-information system (GIS) allowing us to receive, organize, update, and process huge volumes of information at effective real-time. GIS systems together with the database will enable to track the most valuable natural territories and keep track of their biodiversity and analyze real-time processes that take place in these areas. The results of these studies should identify the main elements of ecological network – the ‘core area’, ‘transit territory’, ‘buffer zones’, as well as serve as a basis to establish the legal status of the above-mentioned territories. Obtained results will be used in updating the Master Plan of Moscow in its new borders and need to ensure rational development of the annexed territories.


ecological network


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For citation: Shchekotova V.A., Minin A.A., Voskova A.V., Semina M.E. USING GIS TO CREATE AN ECOLOGICAL NETWORK IN THE MOSCOW REGION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:599–604 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-599-604 (in Russian)