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About the Authors
V. V. Krylenko
Russian Federation
M. V. Krylenko
Russian Federation
We present the methods and results of investigation of the Anapa bay-bar shoreline dynamics, obtained from the analysis of historical and recent data of satellite imaging and aerial survey for 70 years. It is shown that that in the analysis of the long-term variations in the water edge one has to take into account the following configuration of the shoreline at the moment of each survey and own regime of the short-term water edge dynamics of individual parts. These data clarified the dynamics of the Anapa bay-bar shoreline, which is important for the understanding of lithodynamic processes in the coastal zone and developing the forecast of the further evolution of the bay-bar geosystem.
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For citation: Krylenko V.V., Krylenko M.V. N ESTIMATE OF WATER EDGE DYNAMICS AT AN ACCUMULATIVE SHORE BASED ON SATELLITE IMAGES. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:439–446 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-439-446 (in Russian)