About the Authors
A. A. Suchilin
Russian Federation
O. N. Inevatkina
Russian Federation
A joint project of Moscow State University Geographic faculty and Moscow Museum of Oriental Artunder the grant RGNF # 12-01-00152.Project object is to createlocal archaeological geoinformation system onthe territory of Zerafshan (Uzbekistan) river valley.GISpurpose – Geospatial fixation and certification of longterm exploration of archaeological objects in the database. Spatial visualization of archaeological objects on the modern cartographic basis or remote sensing data. Database objects connected to each other with topology and attribute information that allows geographical and archaeological analysis of the territory.
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For citation: Suchilin A.A., Inevatkina O.N. .. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:371–375 (in Russian)