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About the Authors
Mikhail V. Panasyuk
6/20, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,
Almaz M. Sabirzyanov
6/20, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,
Yulia A. Shakirova
6/20, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,
The paper is devoted to the problems of improving geoinformation support for solving the problems of analyzing and monitoring the state of urban system, spatial development of the city. The paper assesses the potential for solving such problems formed by the existing tool base of municipal GIS, which allows integrating geoinformation resources of the city. It is noted that the main functions of municipal GIS, mainly related to the digitalization of business processes and processes of municipal management, should be improved and expanded on the basis of modern standards of the National Spatial Data System and the organization of interdepartmental geoinformation infrastructure. The prospects for the development of functions and opportunities to expand the system of spatial databases of municipal GIS to meet rapidly growing needs of municipal governments in spatial data for the development of management decisions are analyzed. These include, first of all, analysis and monitoring of urban space organization, as well as structure and functions monitoring of main elements of the functional framework of urban space. The authors characterize the possibilities of solving situational management tasks in the MGIS environment on the basis of developing an information mechanism for responding to geosituations. The analysis of functions of the complex municipal geographic information system (KMGIS) of Kazan has shown its predominant focus on providing services in the field of urban planning. The formed geoinformation support of KMGIS allows expanding its functionality in terms of solving problems of analysis and monitoring of urban space, identifying problems of spatial development of the city based on the introduction of spatial development block in the practice of GIS. The paper presents the results of geoinformation support development of municipal GIS, which allowed to assess the balance of the spatial structure of Kazan by places of work and residence of population, to identify areas (points) of economic growth that form the framework of urban space, and to analyze the territorial organization of the social sphere of the city.
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For citation: Panasyuk M.V., Sabirzyanov A.M., Shakirova Yu.A. Geoinformation support of tasks for spatial development of Kazan. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 2. P. 456–468. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-456-468 (in Russian)