Pulsation of Arctic cities: economic, geographical and geoinformation approaches to the study (on the example of Murmansk)

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-396-411

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About the Authors

Alexandr N. Panin

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography,
1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia,
E-mail: alex_panin@mail.ru

Vasiliy V. Chikhichin

North-Caucasian Federal University, Department of Socio-Economic Geography,
1, Pushkina str., Stavropol, 355017, Russia,
E-mail: wawachi@yandex.ru


Based on the analysis of studies of the population (including its pulsation) and settlement in the Russian Arctic in recent years and on the example of Murmansk, economic and geographical approaches to their study are outlined in the article. Arctic territories and waters are strategically important for Russia, both geopolitically and economically. The reduction of the permanent population in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation must be stopped, since the developing economy and social sphere there need labor resources, and geopolitical realities determine the livability of the territory. Arctic cities are characterized by population pulsation, which is important to learn how to take into account in the framework of strategic and territorial planning. Urban population pulsation is a social challenge that requires a special approach to the design of housing and social, engineering and transport infrastructure. When studying the ripple of cities, it is important to estimate the number of “hidden” populations, which can be achieved with big data. To estimate the current population of Murmansk and the scale of its pulsation, both Rosstat statistics and data obtained on the basis of BigData MTS and MTS Geoeffect were used. The real number of Murmansk residents is 79 % higher than the officially recorded one. Methodological reliance on economic and geographical approaches makes it possible to identify and analyze factors affecting the dynamics of population size and pulsation in cities, including Arctic ones. As such, we have identified: spatial and temporal analysis, assessment of the economic and geographical position; assessment of the impact on spaces of different levels; assessment of the situation in the “North–South” and “Center–periphery” systems; analysis of the settlement system and assessment of the impact of the agglomeration effect; determination of specialization and place in the territorial division of labor.


Arctic, Arctic cities, population in the Arctic, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, population pulsation, big data


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For citation: Panin A.N., Chikhichin V.V. Pulsation of Arctic cities: economic, geographical and geoinformation approaches to the study (on the example of Murmansk). InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 2. P. 396–411. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-396-411 (in Russian)