Development of maps of sanatorium and resort resources of Pacific Russia

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-92-103

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About the Author

Artur R. Pogorelov

Pacific Geographical Institute of the FEB RAS, Laboratory of social and medical geography,
Radio str., 7, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia,


The work presented in the article was carried out as part of the creation of the Atlas of Tourism Resources of Pacific Russia. As a result, a thematic section of maps has been developed that characterize the current state of current medical and health-improving natural resources (bioclimatic resources, a variety of medicinal mineral waters and medicinal muds [peloids]), sanatorium and resort infrastructure and the natural resource potential of health-improving areas. The presented section with a thematic series of maps amounted to 15 % of the total volume of atlas cartographic material. Maps were developed using modern geoinformation technologies based on thematic electronic databases prepared as a result of inventory and analysis of various scientific publications, cartographic, stock and other information. The resulting maps are presented at various scales: 1:18 000 000 for macro-regional level maps and from 1:3 500 000 to 1:8 100 000 for regional-level maps. When preparing information for the final cartographic display, approaches to the assessment and classification of special objects adopted in the field of bioclimatology, balneology and sanatorium business were used. A preliminary analysis of the content of the developed maps allows us to assess the prospects for the use and further development of sanatorium and resort resources in Pacific Russia. This macroregion has significant natural resource potential for the development of various areas of sanatorium and resort business, health tourism and recreation. The health resort infrastructure of the regions of Pacific Russia needs further development based on excellent and competitive natural resource potential. The study revealed the prospects for continuing cartographic research of sanatorium and resort resources in the Russian Far East with the possibility of creating a new atlas publication.


thematic mapping, sanatorium and resort activities, health tourism, balneological resources, Far East of Russia


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For citation: Pogorelov A.R. Development of maps of sanatorium and resort resources of Pacific Russia. InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable development of territories: Proceedings of the International conference. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 2. P. 92–103. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-2-30-92-103 (in Russian)