Spatial analysis and mapping of potential wildfires from Landsat satellite data

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-476-490

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About the Authors

Elibek A. Asangaliyev

D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, School of Earth Sciences,
69, Protozanova str., Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070004, Kazakhstan,

Baitak Apshikur

D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, School of Earth Sciences,
69, Protozanova str., Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070004, Kazakhstan,

Sergey S. Lutay

D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, School of Earth Sciences,
69, Protozanova str., Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070004, Kazakhstan,

Zhanna A. Assylkhanova

D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, School of Earth Sciences,
69, Protozanova str., Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070004, Kazakhstan,


In 2023 there was a severe forest fire on the territory of the Semipalatinsk Forest. More than 60 thousand ha were burned. This resulted in high environmental costs, destroying trees, real estate, recreational and even human lives. One of the most pressing issues was the determination of the origin and spread of forest fires. In such cases, remote sensing data is a spatial and temporal measure to obtain fast and accurate data to prevent the further spread of the fire and to neutralize this natural disaster. Using such geospatial information, it is possible to prioritize preventive measures to reduce the risk of forest fires and identify mitigating factors to increase the likelihood of immediate fire suppression in threatened areas. This work proposes to assess the fire potential and to determine the hazard potential. This is done by analyzing and mapping the area of the fire that has occurred. The mapping of the fire potential was approached from a remote sensing point of view by estimating and mapping the total vegetation cover using Landsat-8–9 OLI/TIRS DATA and the geographic information systems QGIS, SAGAGIS. A morphometric, spatial analysis of conditions was also conducted, taking into account many factors affecting fire potential—land exposure, aspect, wind direction, fire statistics, population density, climatic characteristics, etc. As a result, an attempt was made to create indices RBR, RdNBR, dNDVI, dGNDI, GEMI and BAI, which could be the basis for the determination of fire potential. These indices are based on the type of tree, the vegetation and the topographic features. These characteristics make it possible, after the classification of the Landsat images, to evaluate the reliability of the information obtained by determining the area of the fire through the Object Based Image Analysis segmentation method and by assessing the accuracy of the detected data. The index values identified were consistent with reliable information for identifying fire locations and monitoring estimated fire risk. They could be used to map fire potential from regional to local scales.


forest fire, remote sensing, landsat, SAGAGIS, QGIS, object based classification


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For citation: Asangaliyev E.A., Apshikur B., Lutay S.S., Assylkhanova Z.A. Spatial analysis and mapping of potential wildfires from Landsat satellite data. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 1. P. 476–490. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-476-490