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About the Authors
Ilya A. Rylskiy
1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia,
Mikhail A. Potapov
28, Vesennaya str., Kemerovo, 650000, Russia,
Alexandr N. Panin
1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia,
Roman V. Gruzdev
16a, Nedorezova str., PO box 1032, Chita, 672002, Russia,
Performing digital photography in the visible range and subsequent terrain modeling at a scale of 1:2 000 and larger in forested areas is usually considered a complex or difficult task. Currently, the main method for solving this problem is the airborne laser scanning method, in which digital photography is carried out, but is used mainly to create digital orthophotos, while the source of information about the terrain is laser scanning (due to the ability of laser pulses to penetrate through tree crowns). Due to its lower cost, digital aerial photography without laser scanning may be commercially attractive to a number of customers. For this reason, the task was to assess the possibilities of using for these purposes the two most popular software tools in the Russian Federation: Photomod and Metashape. An area in Southern Siberia was chosen as a test site, where various types of combinations of landforms and vegetation of varying density were presented. The initial flight was made in accordance with the requirements of the scale of 1:2 000 with a horizontal step of 1 meter, while a higher transverse overlap of the flight was applied (up to 50 % instead of 30 %). The photographing was carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle in the visible range. The paper provides information on the quality of photogrammetric work performed using both hardware for recording external orientation elements and ground control and reference points. Not all areas of the terrain can be mapped meeting the scale requirements. The paper analyzes the results obtained, assesses the applicability of a particular software product, and the features of the obtained datasets. The final conclusions contain information about the applicability of this method in combination with software, the boundaries and limitations of its application. A comparison was made of the time spent solving identical problems in different software systems.
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For citation: Rylskiy I.A., Potapov M.A., Panin A.N., Gruzdev R.V. Comparison of the quality of creation of a digital territory model of a forested territory from aerial photo data using Photomod and Metashape software complexes. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 1. P. 462–475. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-462-475 (in Russian)