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About the Author
Anton P. Krassowski
15, Kazakova str., Moscow, 105064, Russia,
Methodological approaches to the use of the Big Data tool for the analysis of materials from the XVI–XVIII centuries are proposed in order to study the features of formation and changes in the names of property objects used in documents and cartographic materials. The tool was tested on a data model representing a small sample of information about 22 small rural settlements and landholdings, as well as about their owners whose history has been possible to trace since the second half of the XVI century. The research was carried out for objects located on the territory that was formed by the beginning of the XX century in the Ruza district of the Moscow province. Information about the objects of the research was extracted from scribal books, descriptions of land holdings, cartographic materials, books of the Patriarchal State Order, salary books, documents certifying the facts of the transfer of property and other materials. An assessment of the adequacy of the reflection of the formed sample of these properties of research objects has been performed. The choice of the form of presentation of the analyzed information is optimal for demonstrating the capabilities of the considered tool. The sequence of the analysis of the available information is demonstrated. The results of the analysis of various historical information are presented. The coincidence of some of the results obtained with those obtained earlier by other specialists showed the fundamental suitability of the Big Data tool for conducting research in the fields of the place-name study and the history of surveying. The specific results obtained and the information used to carry out research can be in demand by historians, sociologists, economists and other specialists studying the history of development, surveying and mapping of the Ruza district of the XVI–XVIII centuries. Conclusions made during the course of the research on the reasons that led to changes in the names of some objects and the stability of others may be of interest to specialists working in the fields of history, geography, cartography and the place-name study.
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For citation: Krassowski A.P. Big data as a research tool in toponymy and the history of land surveying. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 1. P. 321–341. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-321-341 (in Russian)