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About the Authors
Olga E. Malakhova
68, Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, 430005, Russia,
Irina A. Semina
68, Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, 430005, Russia,
Sergey A. Teslenok
16, Chekhova str., Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug—Yugra, 628012, Russia,
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University,
68, Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, 430005, Russia,
Larisa N. Folomeykina
68, Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, 430005, Russia,
The high pace of life characteristic of modern society, the rapid development of urban settlements require the formation and practical implementation of fast and accurate management and design solutions for the adaptation of environmental components to human life in appropriate conditions. Modern cities are increasing geographically, occupying ever larger spaces; their social, industrial transport infrastructure is becoming more complex, the economic component is developing, the population of large urban settlements is growing, and a complex structure of the system of public places is being formed. All this leads to changes in the nature of settlement of the population, the way and peculiarities of people’s lives, their psychology and behavior in urban space. Modern problems of cities and their populations cannot be fully inventoried, analyzed, understood, evaluated, and finally solved within the “narrow framework” of scientific knowledge. Comprehensive study and design of urban areas require intensive implementation and active use of integration approaches. In this regard, the modern sphere of design is already unthinkable without the use of the latest computer information and geoinformation technologies. The solution of design tasks only in the format of real drawings, without the widespread use of virtual ones, is currently no longer possible. The anthropocultural paradigm of urbanization development has made it possible to introduce, significantly expand and strengthen the spheres of contacts of geographers, cartographers and urban planners. Nevertheless, in the methodological arsenal of modern urban planning, theories, concepts and ideas developed in humanitarian geography should be used even more widely. In modern urban planning design, the latest computer equipment, software and information technologies are widely used, but geographers are rarely involved in the author’s teams. In the field of modern urban planning, including the design of public places in urban areas, there is a wide range of problems faced by specialists in regional design organizations, and which require their solutions based on the extensive involvement of the latest software with maximum use of all its capabilities.
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For citation: Malakhova O.E., Semina I.A., Teslenok S.A., Folomeykina L.N. Computer designing and modeling public places of urban areas. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2023. V. 29. Part 2. P. 471–491. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2023-2-29-471-491 (in Russian)