Images of the cultural landscape of the lost Zlatoust Monastery in the center of Moscow for reflection in the atlas information system

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2023-2-29-204-227

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About the Author

Olga I. Markova

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Research Laboratory of the Integrated Mapping,
1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia,


Zlatoust Monastery is a lost cultural heritage monument of regional significance, which received the status of a sightseeing place from the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage in 2019. It existed in the center of Moscow, in the White City, since the 14th cent. until 1918, when the monastery was closed; all its buildings were demolished by 1936, and a residential complex was built on the site of the monastery. All that remains of the architectural ensemble of the monastery is a two-story building built in 1862, fragments of walls and a decorative fence turret, which is in poor condition. On the territory of the monastery, historical research and archaeological work are carried out in the cultural layer, reaching in some places up to 4–5 m. Zlatoust Monastery is depicted on ancient maps of various times, scales, projections, content and methods of depiction. This cartographic information, as well as existing experience in reconstructing the cultural landscape in artistic, photographic and video formats, is considered. The presence of a large amount of information of various types (maps, infographics, photos, videos, works of art) requires the development of methods for their coordination, processing and storage in a multimedia atlas information system (MAIS), the main part of which are maps. In the process of research, a map of the cultural landscape for the modern period was compiled, showing preserved, lost and hidden natural and anthropogenic elements. The legend and methods of depiction with artistic signs are developed on the basis of previous studies, maps and architectural drawings reflecting real images of lost temples. The experience is interesting for studying the “historical background” of the modern cultural landscape. An idea of the main natural and anthropogenic elements of the cultural landscape of the landmark site (architectural, hydrological, plant, etc.) was obtained and systematized. Further development of the topic is seen in the creation of a series of maps of the cultural landscape of the Zlatoust Monastery for different historical periods, as well as the interaction of the monastery with the surrounding areas.


cultural landscape, cultural heritage, sightseeing place, image of the territory, atlas information system


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For citation: Markova O.I. Images of the cultural landscape of the lost Zlatoust Monastery in the center of Moscow for reflection in the atlas information system. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2023. V. 29. Part 2. P. 204–227. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2023-2-29-204-227 (in Russian)