Geoinformation mapping of population distribution for analysis of its spatial dynamics

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2023-2-29-150-161

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About the Authors

Valentina A. Dobryakova

Tyumen State University,
6, Volodarskij str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia,

Andrei B. Dobryakov

The Ural head department of the Central bank of the Russian Federation, office across the Tyumen region,
48, Volodarskij str., Tyumen, 625000, Russia,

Kristina I. Makarova

Tyumen State University,
6, Volodarskij str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia,


The change in the population is the most important indicator, the reflection of which on the map allows you to obtain a visual picture of many interconnected processes occurring in the studied territory. The study solved the task of creating a series of cards that reflect a change in the population in the settlements of the Tyumen Region based on these censuses of the population of 1926 and 2010. This work provides for the development of modern geoinformation and cartographic support of socio-economic studies related to the analysis of the location of the population based on spatial databases. The choice of a large period of time and the associated significant changes in the names and the general structure of the placement of settlements leads to the need for a thorough and comprehensive study of information, determining its relevance to solve the tasks. Further, a number of problems were solved: methodological (development of the structure and content of maps) and methodical (organization of the geodatabase (BGD), the creation and design of thematic cards). As part of the study, the design of the structure of the database of spatial data was performed, and then its filling based on the censuses of the population and official statistical indicators about the population of the Tyumen Region (including the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug—Yugra and the Yamalo-Nenetskij Autonomous Okrug). For all presented cards, a geographical basis is configured with unified installations of cartographic generalization and a coordinated system of conventional signs. The developed series of maps allows you to identify and visually assess the spatial patterns of changes in the population and the network of settlements. The collected structured material organized in the BGD format provides modern cartographic support for socio-economic research related to the analysis of the population. The work was performed as part of the preparation of the demographic section of the Atlas of the Tyumen Region.


GIS mapping, population distribution, spatial analysis, database, Tyumen Region


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For citation: Dobryakova V.A., Dobryakov A.B., Makarova K.I. Geoinformation mapping of population distribution for analysis of its spatial dynamics. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2023. V. 29. Part 2. P. 150–161. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2023-2-29-150-161 (in Russian)