Cartographic support for the study of intra-agglomeration features of the demographic development of the Ivanovo urban agglomeration

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-2-28-50-68

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About the Authors

Vasily V. Chikhichin

North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
Pushkin str., 1, 355017, Stavropol, Russia;

Ivan A. Soloviev

North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
Pushkin str., 1, 355017, Stavropol, Russia;

Evgeny I. Ovsyannikov

North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
Pushkin str., 1, 355017, Stavropol, Russia;

Julia F. Zolnikova

North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Earth Sciences,
Pushkin str., 1, 355017, Stavropol, Russia;


The article presents the results of a study of intra-agglomeration features of demographic and migration processes in the territory of the Ivanovo urban agglomeration. The purpose of the work is to visualize the spatial and temporal features of the demographic and migration situation in this territory using GIS technologies. Thematic maps have been constructed, on the basis of which the dynamics of the population of the Ivanovo urban agglomeration from 1989 to 2020 have been analyzed, the main trends in fertility, mortality and natural population growth have been identified, trends in migration processes have been identified. Official statistics data became the information basis for mapping. From 1989 to 2020, the population of the core of the Ivanovo agglomeration decreased by 1.2 times. The largest decrease was observed in rural areas (1.38 times). The main trend of the last three decades is a gradual increase in the area of depopulating agglomeration territories. Currently, the Ivanovo urban agglomeration is experiencing one of the deepest demographic crises in Russia. The stability of the demographic development of the Ivanovo urban agglomeration in conditions of deep depopulation of the population largely depends on migration processes. However, its migration attractiveness is very low. Demographic development has territorial differences within the agglomeration. The most favorable situation is developing in the satellite city of Kohme and the suburban Ivanovo district. During the pandemic, the natural decline of the population has significantly increased and there has been a tendency to change migration trends. Many territories with a steady outflow of population have experienced a migration increase due to the return of migrants to their homeland, which somewhat mitigates depopulation processes.


cartography, demographic processes, migration processes, urban agglomeration, Ivanovo urban agglomeration


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For citation: Chikhichin V.V., Soloviev I.A., Ovsyannikov E.I., Zolnikova J.F. Cartographic support for the study of intra-agglomeration features of the demographic development of the Ivanovo urban agglomeration. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 2. P. 50–68. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-2-28-50-68 (in Russian)