About the experience of developing a GIS project of the university campus

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-603-612

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About the Authors

Gulnur Z. Mazhitova

NLC M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University,
86 Pushkin str., 150000, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan;
E-mail: mazhitova_gulnur@mail.ru

Dina K. Shugulova

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
2 Satpayev str., 010000 Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan;
E-mail: 9970766@mail.ru

Igor A. Sedelnikov

NLC M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University,
86 Pushkin str., 150000, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan;
E-mail: igor_sko_kz_94@mail.ru


The article discusses the results of the work on the design and creation of a GIS project of the university campus. A model and methodology for creating a geographical information system (GIS) of the university campus was developed and tested in the Non-profit limited company “Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university” setting. The GIS was created on the basis of open spatial data of the Remote Sensing of the Earth, materials of ground photography and aerial photography from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Geoinformation mapping and modeling was carried out using specialized programs: ArcGIS 10.4 (ESRI Inc.), Agisoft PhotoScan Professional Edition. The article presents the GIS structure of the campus, its main elements, and describes the stages of development. The work on the creation of GIS included the following stages: the development of its preliminary model and structure, the collection of the necessary initial information and data about the studied territory, the conduct of ground surveys and aerial photography, field work, processing of collected materials in special software applications, the creation of an electronic map and database, filling and correcting the latter. The campus GIS includes a digital cartographic framework and an associated database. Its structure contains a number of modules that combine thematic layers. Along with this, geo-referenced photorealistic three-dimensional models of university buildings were created during the research. A 3D model of the campus was built on the basis of aerial photography materials from the UAV. Developed GIS, its functionality can be useful to the university and find application in solving practical problems.

The research was carried out within the framework of grant funding under the Sustainability Living Lab program.


geoinformation mapping and modeling, university, campus, GIS, map, 3D model


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For citation: Mazhitova G.Z., Shugulova D.K., Sedelnikov I.A. About the experience of developing a GIS project of the university campus. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 1. P. 603–612. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-603-612 (in Russian)