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Marina V. Gribok
Leninskie Gory 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia;
An online version of the Ecological Atlas of Russia, published in 2017, is currently being developed. The article sets the task of cataloging atlas maps satellite images, which is necessary to provide user navigation, search and compilation of thematic collections. The article analyzes a number of Russian and foreign online atlases and their navigation systems, on the basis of which a system of cataloging and classification of maps for the electronic version of the Ecological Atlas of Russia has been developed. The cataloging of maps satellite images is based on a system of parameters that are assigned to each map. These include the identification number of the image, page numbers in the paper version of the atlas, the name of the section, territorial coverage, scale, text of the legend and some other parameters. Special attention during cataloging is paid to assigning keywords and phrases to all maps and satellite images. Keyword search will give the user the opportunity to compile collections of thematically similar images, even if they are located in different sections of the atlas. A prototype of an interface designed to search for maps has also been developed. The search can be carried out by several parameters at the discretion of the user. The search result will be a list of images with previews, titles and links. When opening the map, for the convenience of the user, links will also be provided to the text description of the section to which this map belongs, to thematically close maps, as well as to previously viewed maps. The principles of cataloging and searching maps proposed in this study can be used in the development of online versions of other complex thematic atlases.
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For citation: Gribok M.V. Development of navigation and map search system for the Ecological atlas of Russia online version. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 1. P. 230–239. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-230-239 (in Russian)