Methodology of constructive approach in geoinformation mapping of geographical environment

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-161-174

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About the Author

Tatiana I. Kuznetsova

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS,
664033 Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya st 1, Russia;


The methodology of a constructive approach to mapping the geographical environmentthe Baikal region is proposed, based on modern ideas about the spatial and functional organization of geosystems. The area of research and small-scale mapping is a cross-border territory located at the junction of four physical and geographical regions of the Eurasian continent, differingtheir natural conditions, factors and development processes. Natural structures are consideredgeographical spaces where all the components of nature are closely interconnected with each other and, as a certain integrity, interact with human society. This conceptually defined the structurephysical and geographical research as a procedure for preparing fundamental scientific knowledge about nature to solve targeted environmental problems. The methods of creating a spatialthematic structure of cartographic information are considered, which provide an idea of the object, its research procedures, and meet the requirements for the speed of processing, disseminationthis information using GIS technologies. The logical and methodological sequence of the research, constructive criteria that are uniform for the entire research process are discussed. The concept of “organization of geosystems” is considered in three senses: as a state of structural and spatial-hierarchical ordering of geosystems in a specific period of time, as a process of ordering natural formations as a result of spontaneous development (self-organization) and as ordering as a resulttargeted external influence (management). The parameters of geosystems are used as an information basis for creating estimated, forecast, recommendation maps of the natural environment. The methods were applied in the development of the “Geographical environment” cartographic module for“Baikal region: society and nature” electronic atlas. A fragment of the “Geoecological structuresthe Baikal region” map is demonstrated.


Baikal region, geoecological mapping, design criteria, geosystems, structural and functional organization, classification


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For citation: Kuznetsova T.I. Methodology of constructive approach in geoinformation mapping of geographical environment. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2022. V. 28. Part 1. P. 161–174. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-1-28-161-174 (in Russian)