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Yury N. Goryachkin
Kapitanskaya, 2, 299011, Sevastopol, Russia;
E-mail: yngor@mhi-ras.ru
Vyacheslav V. Dolotov
Kapitanskaya, 2, 299011, Sevastopol, Russia;
E-mail: vdolotov@mail.ru
The information system based on the results of the study of the coastal zone of the Sevastopol region was developed in order to provide the available data to specialists who make decisions on the development of the region and the prevention of the destructive impact of the sea on land. The system presents materials obtained in the course of long-term monitoring, observations using space and aerial photography, including drones. It includes a detailed description of all sections of the coastline, the consequences of their transformation over a period of more than 100 years, assessment of the hydrometeorological and geomorphological conditions of the region, the results of ensuring coastal protection measures in certain areas and a detailed description of the coastal protected areas. Examples of the results of the cadastral assessment of recreational resources of beaches, developed earlier, are also given. GIS formats made it possible to implement quantitative statistics on individual objects, systematize landslide-prone areas in detail, and characterize the consequences of their occurrence. Special attention is paid to the description of the ecosystem conditions of numerous Sevastopol bays and the few estuaries of regulated rivers. Interactive GIS realization is providing access to the information in a visual interactive cartographic version.
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Список литературы
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Для цитирования: Goryachkin Y.N., Dolotov V.V. Computer interactive GIS “The coastal zone of the Sevastopol region of Crimea”. ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС. M.: Географический факультет МГУ, 2021. Т. 27. Ч. 3. С. 42–48. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-3-27-42-48
For citation: Goryachkin Y.N., Dolotov V.V. Computer interactive GIS “The coastal zone of the Sevastopol region of Crimea”. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2021. V. 27. Part 3. P. 42–48. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-3-27-42-48