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Pr. Mohamed Chérif
FZ University Professor, (Algeria) Kanssab. O. Assistant lecturer, Oran University (Algeria)
This paper demonstrates that the coastline of the western province of Mostaganem is subjected to a touristic and land pressures adding to that ecological hazards resulted from the absence of land planning. Algeria has neither invested on tourism nor thought of long term solutions. However, currently there seems to be a greater awareness from private and public authorities: themes like «environment, land planning and sustainable development in tourism» are at the centre of talks among tourism specialists. The aim of this paper, is to assess the current situation of tourism in this western coastline and suggest measures for its planning and sustainability.
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Список литературы
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Для цитирования: Chérif P. SITUATION AND THE IMPACT OF TOURISM ON THE COAST OF ALGERIA: THE CASE OF MOSTAGANEM. Материалы Международной конференции «ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС». 2016;22(2):181–191. DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-181-191
For citation: Chérif P. SITUATION AND THE IMPACT OF TOURISM ON THE COAST OF ALGERIA: THE CASE OF MOSTAGANEM. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):181–191 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-181-191