DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-168-172

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Об авторах

A. I. Zhirov

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth sciences

department of geomorphology, Professor, Doctor of Education, Candidate of Geographical Sciences

St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia

S. F. Boltramovich

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth sciences

department of geomorphology, Assistant professor, Candidate of Geographical Sciences

St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia

M. N. Kalygin

Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Earth sciences

department of geomorphology, Postgraduate student

St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia


Studies of risks remain among the most claimed issues of geology and geomorphology. The system-morphological approach developed by A.N. Lastochkin provides a new promising basis for this. We studied slopes of the ridge Aibga, Western Caucasus, to assess geomorphlogical risks in the area of construction of the mounting ski facilities for Winter Olympics, 2014. The first step of study is a compilation of an analytical map, which covers all morphological elements of the area. Then we studied current geologic and geomorphological processes and estimated risks associated with them. The last step is the assessment of risks related to certain characteristics of exposed rocks and to possible tectonic movements. These morphological, geological and engineering parameters are combined within an integrated score of geomorphological risks, which is presented on the appropriate map.

Ключ. слова

System-morphological approach, geomorphic risks, geohazards, assessment, mapping, Aibga Ridge

Список литературы

  1. Lastochkin A.N. Relef zemnoy poverhnosti (Printsipyi i metodyi staticheskoy geomorfologii). [The Earth’s surface relief (Principles and methods of statical geomorphology)]. L., Nedra, 1991. 340 p.
  2. Likhachyova E.A., Timofeev D.A. Ekologicheskaya geomorfologiya [Environmental geomorphology]. M., MediaPress, 2004. 240 p.
  3. Seliverstov Yu. P. Geoekologiya gornyih kotlovin [Geoecology of mountain basins]. L., LSU, 1993. 292 p.

Для цитирования: Zhirov A.I., Boltramovich S.F., Kalygin M.N. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL RISKS ASSESSMENT BASED ON SYSTEM-MORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH. Материалы Международной конференции «ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС». 2016;22(1):168–172. DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-168-172

For citation: Zhirov A.I., Boltramovich S.F., Kalygin M.N. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL RISKS ASSESSMENT BASED ON SYSTEM-MORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):168–172 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-168-172