DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-97-99

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T. S. Nokelaynen

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geographical Faculty Vorob’ievy Gory, Moscow, Russia


Road transport takes one of the leading places in pollution of the natural environment. Therefore, it is highly important to monitor and analyse the environmental impacts of road transport on the county scale. For this purpose the thematic ecological database was developed for the territory of Russia and the digital map of the environmental impacts of road transport was created on a scale of 1:30 000 000. The map consists of two thematic layers representing linear and territorial pollution from road transport. The linear pollution along the motorways is accessed according to the traffic intensity and the types of the cargos transported on the routes. The territorial pollution is characterised by the density of motorways, calculated based on the fine-scale cartographic materials and shown using isolines and layer coloring techniques. The conducted research enabled to define the priority regions of Russia requiring measures for an improvement of the transport and ecological conditions.

Ключ. слова

GIS, mapping, road, transport, traffic, environtment, pollution, natura, Russia

Список литературы

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Для цитирования: Nokelaynen T.S. GIS-MAPPING OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ROAD TRANSPORT IN RUSSIA. Материалы Международной конференции «ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС». 2015;21:97–99. DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-97-99

For citation: Nokelaynen T.S. GIS-MAPPING OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ROAD TRANSPORT IN RUSSIA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:97–99 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-97-99 (in Russian)