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Nathan Kanuma Taremwa
University of Rwanda
Anastase Butera
Vedaste Butera
Mugisha Innocent
Higher Education Council, Rwanda
Developing knowledge infrastructure by massive investments in education and training are taken as a benchmark in facilitating the acceleration and possible increases in skills, capacities and competences of Rwandan people has become apriority issue in the recent years. This notion is relevant to vision 2020 where human resource development and building of a knowledge based economy are fundamental pillars. In the past years, several policy reforms have taken place in education sector. However, the overarching question is if such reforms are becoming adaptive or complex and if such reforms will not compromise the quality of education in higher learning education in Rwanda? The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of changes in Higher Learning Institutions on the quality of education in Rwanda. This research had three hypotheses, namely; there is an impact of changes in Higher Learning Institutions on quality of education in Rwanda; the current complexity in Rwandan education system is affecting the quality of education in HLIs; Tailoring education system to the regional reforms and implementation strategies is affecting the quality of education in Rwanda. This study was carried out in 10 higher learning institutions (5 public, 5 private and 2 Ministry of Education directorates (HEC and REB). Key informants were the senior management/head of institutions, experienced academic staff, and students. The parameters considered included; the learning methods, assessment styles, workloads, language of instruction, merging of public HLIs, curriculum, and the transformation of some private higher learning institutions into company forms. Main research instruments were questionnaires and interview guides. Both qualitative and quantitative research was collected. Analyses were done using SPSS and excel packages. Major findings indicate that the system is still in transition with indicative gaps. Ample time would therefore be necessary for the Rwandan education to adapt to the shifting dynamics locally, regionally and internationally. Attitude and behavior change would enhance economic growth and development as a pre-requisite for building knowledge based economy. Flexibility and prioritization of human capital development in higher learning education are indicators for an adaptive education system in Rwanda.
Ключ. слова
Quality assurance, higher learning institutions, Rwanda
Для цитирования: Taremwa N.K., Butera A., Butera V., Innocent M. QUALITY ASSURANCE IN RWANDAN HIGHER LEARNING EDUCATION: IS THE SYSTEM ADAPTIVE OR COMPLEX?. Материалы Международной конференции «ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС». 2014;20:622. DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2014-1-20-622
For citation: Taremwa N.K., Butera A., Butera V., Innocent M. QUALITY ASSURANCE IN RWANDAN HIGHER LEARNING EDUCATION: IS THE SYSTEM ADAPTIVE OR COMPLEX?. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2014;20:622 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2014-1-20-622 (in Russian)