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Nathan Roger Lea Jombi
Département d’économie, Université Laval
The relationship between urbanization and CO2 emissions has been the subject of much discussion over the past two decades. Most empirical studies addressed the issue under the environmental Kuznet-curve (EKC) framework and find evidence of an inverted-U shape path that CO2 emissions follow as the level of urbanization rises. Yet, more recent studies suggest that the EKC framework may be inadequate, and that the EKC parameter estimates may be dependent on the sample used. The present study contributes to the literature by examining the impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions in sub-Saharan African countries. We use panel data over the period 1970- 2010 and a Stochastic Impacts by Regressions on Population, Affluence and Technology (STIRPAT) model. We find that evidence of the EKC pathway is not robust.
Ключ. слова
Urbanization, CO2 emissions, Developing countries, Panel data, STIRPAT model
Для цитирования: Roger Lea Jombi N. IMPACT DE L’URBANISATION SUR LES EMISSIONS DE CO2: ANALYSE EMPIRIQUE POUR LES PAYS D’AFRIQUE SUBSAHARIENNE. Материалы Международной конференции «ИнтерКарто. ИнтерГИС». 2014;20:575. DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2014-1-20-575
For citation: Roger Lea Jombi N. IMPACT DE L’URBANISATION SUR LES EMISSIONS DE CO2: ANALYSE EMPIRIQUE POUR LES PAYS D’AFRIQUE SUBSAHARIENNE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2014;20:575 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2014-1-20-575 (in Russian)