GIS “Passport of climatic safety of the Republic of Adygea”

DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-232-241

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About the Authors

Tatyana P. Varshanina

Adyghe State University, Research Institute of Complex Problems of ASU, Center for Intelligent Geoinformation Technologies,
13, Gagarina str., Maykop, Russia, 385000,

Olga A. Plisenko

Adyghe State University, Research Institute of Complex Problems of ASU, Center for Intelligent Geoinformation Technologies,
13, Gagarina str., Maykop, Russia, 385000,

Elena P. Sviridova

Adyghe State University, Research Institute of Complex Problems of ASU, Center for Intelligent Geoinformation Technologies,
13, Gagarina str., Maykop, Russia, 385000,


The relevance of landscape-climatic zoning of geoinformation regional space for research and forecasting of climate variability and change for preventive adaptation to weather-climatic impacts of regional socio-economic life activity is confirmed. In Adygea, based on the complex of physiographic and hydroclimatic characteristics 9 landscape-climatic meso-districts and, within them, 17 districts corresponding to plain, low-altitude and middle-altitude belts are identified. Further microclimatic zoning is envisaged. The GIS database of Adygea accumulates and spatially details information on climatic conditions, climate-forming factors, main hydrometeorological characteristics and recurrence of especially dangerous phenomena. The development of GIS-module for monitoring trends in climate variability and change was preceded by testing of appropriate methods in the conditions of the declared detailed landscape-climatic zoning of the territory. Comparison of the results of the study of trends in climate variability and change made by the authors using instrumental observations and the reanalysis method shows the low spatial and temporal resolution of the reanalysis method. The reanalysis did not show any significant difference between the identified landscape-climatic meso-districts in terms of the magnitude of trends in meteorological values both in the multiyear and intra-annual course, it also did not reveal any sharp changes in the multiyear course of mean monthly air temperature in them. The obtained results confirm that the module for monitoring of tendencies of climate variability and change, on the basis of instrumental data with forecasting on periods corresponding to natural 20-year periodicity of climate variability, is required in GIS “Passport of climate safety of Adygea”.


geoinformation landscape-climatic zoning, inter-annual and intra-annual climate variability, trends of climate change and variability


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For citation: Varshanina T.P., Plisenko O.A., Sviridova E.P GIS “Passport of climatic safety of the Republic of Adygea”. InterCarto. InterGIS. Moscow: MSU, Faculty of Geography, 2024. V. 30. Part 1. P. 232–241. DOI: 10.35595/2414-9179-2024-1-30-232-241 (in Russian)