DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2014-1-20-218-227

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About the Author

E. A. Panidi

Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Russian Federation


Due to continuous improvement and cheapening of remote sensing technologies the remote sensing methods being increasingly utilized to solve problems of research, monitoring and management of the territories, natural environment, transport and society. Remote sensing data are characterized by significant volumes in general, even compared with other types of spatial data. And improving of the technologies of remote sensing data production leads to more and more significant growth of these volumes. In this context the one of most important tasks of working with remote sensing data is the development of methods for automating of the data processing and analysis, as well as ways of data and processing results storing. The cloud computing technologies and Web solutions that base on such technologies and implement data access and working with the data in the Web, are used in recent years to solve both of the problems. One of such Web-based solutions are geoportals that aggregate access ways to distributed spatial data and processing tools. In current interpretation the geoportal, as a special case of Web-GIS, should not only provide users with spatial data and metadata access but also with the processing tools that allow to solve a wide range of tasks, from displaying to analysis. However, the technologies of spatial data processing and analysis tools are the least developed and standardized at this time. The only WPS (Web Processing Service) international standard specifies how to create spatial data processing Web services. This paper deals with some issues of creating Web services for the spatial data processing (geoprocessing) explored by the author and his colleagues.


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For citation: Panidi E.A. APPROACHES TO DEVELOPMENT OF CLIENT-SIDE GEOPROCESSING WEB-SERVICES. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2014;20:218–227 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2014-1-20-218-227 (in Russian)