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About the Author
M. R. Arpentieva
Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University
Russian Federation
248023, Kaluga, Razina st, 22/48, 1 build, 809 aud.
Russian Federation
248023, Kaluga, Razina st, 22/48, 1 build, 809 aud.
The article is devoted to the interaction of legal and moral development of media technologies in the context of geographical education. The article summarizes the experience of the theoretical analysis of mediatization in geographic education, the legal and moral aspects of the disorders and ways of their prevention and correction in the process of educational interaction between teacher and student, between student and teacher, mediated mediatechnologies. It is noted that geographical education in the modern world is education, which is closely associated with the use of media technologies. In other types of education the role of media technologies in improving the quality of education is less obvious, in the field of teaching and learning geography, it speaks very clearly. Therefore, the problems associated with its mediatization, are very important and their solution is particularly compelling. These issues are primarily associated with actively flowing social, economic, political and ideological crisis in many communities and countries of the Earth. Many of them as in the “mirror” are reflected in the sphere of high technologies, including media technologies. The article provides guidance and direction to the correction of violations at the individual and social levels.
legal space, moral space, media technologies, geographical education, correction, distortion
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For citation: Arpentieva M.R. GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION MEDIATIZATION AND MEDIASECURITY ISSUES. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):234–247 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-234-247 (in Russian)