DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-210-224

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About the Author

M. R. Arpentieva

Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University
Russian Federation
248023, Kaluga, Razina st, 22/48, 1 build, 809 aud.


Modern geographical education implies a broad implementation of innovative technologies, allowing students to fully and deeply understand the subject and methods of professional activity, and effectively and productively act upon this understanding. Therefore, in the work of modern geographer computer and media technologies occupy a significant place, and geographic education occupies an important place in learning cybernetic disciplines: computer technologies act as an important condition for obtaining high quality professional education, as well as an important tool of professional activity of modern specialist-geographer. The article is devoted to comparing three modern approaches to the study and optimization of training Cybernetics and programming in the framework of geographical education: an approach devoted to the study of “learning styles”; the metacognitive approach to learning computer science and programming; and intersubjective, evergetic or actually cybernetic, approach. It describes their advantages and limitations in the context of geographical education, as well as the internal unity as different forms of study of productivity and conditions of the dialogical interaction between teacher and student in the context of obtaining high-quality geographical education.


geographical education, Cybernetics, contextual learning, intersubjective learning, metacognitive training


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For citation: Arpentieva M.R. CYBERNETICS AND GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION: CYBERNETICS OF LEARNING AND LEARNING OF CYBERNETICS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):210–224 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-210-224 (in Russian)