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About the Authors
M. Wasileva
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Regional development
Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Regional development
K. Naydenov
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Regional development
Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Regional development
D. Atanasov
Bulgarian geographical society
The geography includes rich, diverse and comprehensive themes that give us an understanding of our changing environment and interconnected world. It includes the study of the physical environment and resources; cultures, economies and societies; people and places; and global development and civic participation. As a subject, geography is particularly valuable because it provides information for exploring contemporary issues from a different perspective. This geographical information affects us all at work and in our daily lives and helps us make informed decisions that shape our future. All these facts result in a wide discussion on many topical issues in contemporary geography didactics. Subjects of research are the new geography and economics curriculum as well as construction of modern learning process. The paper presents briefly some of the current trends and key issues of geodidactics. As central notions we consider and analyze the training/educational goals, geography curriculum, target groups and environment of geography training, training methods as well as the information sources used in geography education. We adhere that all the above-mentioned finds its reflection in planning, analysis and assessment of education and thus in its quality and effectiveness.
geography, environmental education and intercultural learning, geography curriculum, global learning
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For citation: Wasileva M., Naydenov K., Atanasov D. CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):205–210 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-205-210