DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-194-204

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About the Authors

I. P. Baranov

Institute of Biological Instrument RAS
Russian Federation
142290, Pushchino Moscow Region, Institutskaya 7

V. I. Stepanova

Institute of Biological Instrument RAS
Russian Federation
142290, Pushchino Moscow Region, Institutskaya 7

O. V. Pikulenko

Institute of Biological Instrument RAS
Russian Federation
142290, Pushchino Moscow Region, Institutskaya 7


The main purpose of the article is to present possibilities of the method of relief plastic with the forecast of of oil deposits. The method is developed, formalized and mathematically confirmed by the group of scientists of Pushchino scientific center headed by Professor I.N. Stepanova in the 80-ies of 20th century [Stepanov et al., 1977; Stepanov, 2006] In the process of long-term studies of the behavior of lithodynamic structures and systems, the method was successfully tested in the fields of Krasnodar Region, Astrakhan Region, Western Siberia, Kalmykia, Argentina, Venezuela, Kuwait, USA, etc. Currently, this set of operations is called by scientists-developers of the method lithodynamic or paleostructural analysis. The method includes: the imaging technology of lithodynamic structures and systems in the Earth’s surface by contours of the structural, topographic and bathymetric charts; analysis of the forms of lithodynamic structures and systems; outlook (recommendations)of the provisions of the hydrocarbons. The case study of Africa has highlighted the analysis of the lithodynamic structures identified by the method of relief plastic and the possibility of their use. It is assumed that the largest deposits of hydrocarbons in Africa are interrelated. Our roadmap of lithodynamic systems and linear structures, though just a cartographic model, however, has a high degree of probability that has been proven in research fields not only in Africa but in the West Kuban trough (joint work with JSC “NK Rosneft”), West Siberia (JSC “LUKOIL”), Kalmykia (JSC “NC “Kalmneft””) and other deposits of the globe (Argentina, Kuwait, USA, Kazakhstan). This method can be used in the search for new oil and gas deposits within the earth’s surface.


Africa, oil, the method of plastic relief, analysis, lithodynamic


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For citation: Baranov I.P., Stepanova V.I., Pikulenko O.V. REVEALING REGULARITIES OF DISTRIBUTION OF HYDROCARBON DEPOSITS OF AFRICA ON A SINGLE TECTONIC-BASED NETWORK USING MAPS OF RELIEF PLASTIC. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):194–204 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-194-204 (in Russian)