DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-178-194

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About the Authors

V. A. Melkiy

Oil and Gas Technical Institute of Sakhalin State University
Russian Federation
693008, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Pogranichnaya st, 2

A. A. Verkhoturov

Oil and Gas Technical Institute of Sakhalin State University
Russian Federation
693008, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Pogranichnaya st, 2


The increasing anthropogenic impact often leads to emergence and development of negative processes on the lands, thereby reducing their economic value. Land of the Sakhalin Region located on the border of the Eurasian continent and the Pacific ocean, where interaction between geospheric shells is intense and therefore, exposed to a variety of active natural processes characteristic of such zones. Among the many processes that take place here very actively, one can be name seismic, volcanic, abrasion, morpholithodynamic, monsoon atmospheric circulation and several others. Active geothermal processes, combined with abundant moisture lead to changes in the biosphere (the gigantism of plants). It is therefore important to conduct periodic monitoring to assess the state of the environment, the pace of development and definition of processes speed.

The operative regional land monitoring is possible only on the basis of data of Earth remote sensing with the regular updating of thematic maps using GIS technologies.

The Sakhalin State University has been performing the analysis of the peculiarities of naturalclimatic conditions of the region, affecting the method of conducting monitoring of lands, as well as the interpretation of its results. When conducting scientific research the methods of geoinformation mapping, spatial analysis, thematic interpretation were used etc.

As a result technology of integrated regional land monitoring in the Sakhalin has been developed and implemented on the Station of satellite data reception by Sakhalin State University, allowing one to receive, store, analyze, and provide map information on the assessment of the condition of lands, taking into account the specific natural conditions of the territory.

The article presents a technological scheme of integrated regional monitoring of the land, reveals the content of databases on processes that change the state of the land and evidence-based period of space observations for them, features blocks of the collection and preparation of data, analysis of the current state of land, as well as the solutions to ensuring consumer access to the stored information. 


land monitoring, GIS mapping, satellite imagery, database, geoportal


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For citation: Melkiy V.A., Verkhoturov A.A. GEOINFORMATION AND CARTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT FOR MONITORING NATURAL AND TECHNOGENIC PROCESSES BASED ON ATLAS MAPPING IN THE SAKHALIN REGION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):178–194 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-178-194 (in Russian)