DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-167-178

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About the Authors

I. S. Voskresensky

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography,

119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1

A. A. Suchilin

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography,

119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1


The paper considers the experience of using geoinformation systems (GIS) for local geomorphologic zoning. Within the main pipeline routes (MPR) during the construction, the morphology of the relief and the surface cover of loose new deposits changes. As a result, dangerous relief-forming processes arise or are activated. Regional assessments of the geomorphological risk factor of nature management can be optimized on the basis of highlighting the individual features of the terrain of the routes in the GIS environment for geomorphologic zoning. The section of the route of the MPR ESPO within the Amur Region of the Russian Federation has been considered. GIS are used as the main methodical technique for local ecology-geomorphologic zoning under conditions of development of dangerous geomorphological processes. The necessity of local ecologygeomorphologic zoning is connected with the facts of activation of existing or newly emerging exogenous relief-forming processes established by now. They can have consequences in the form of emergencies. For example, when a route crosses the valleys of small rivers, a paragenesis of exogenous relief-forming processes (ERP) occurs in the form of “landslide-gully formation and lateral erosion” or activation of the process of “deflation – mass displacement of slope deposits” on gentle slopes in areas of their inflections. Thus, the application of GIS for the allocation of local ecologogeomorphological sections of the ICP routes with the determining conditions for the development of dangerous ERP will make it possible to increase the efficiency of forecasting the change in terrain and landscapes in general. The proposed empirical methodology for the analysis of “local ecologogeomorphologic zoning” was developed and applied to the trunk pipelines of Russia. Examples are given of individual sections of the MPR ESPO within the Amur-Zeya Plain, which occupies the vast part of the Amur River basin in the south of the Russian Far East. The territory has a complex, in terms of morphology, flat, sugarloaf and low-mountainous (in the frame) relief of fluvialdenudation (slope) origin with fragments of ancient valleys, with areas of karst and permafrost forms.


GIS, ecology-geomorphologic zoning, dangerous exogenous relief-forming processes, oil and gas main pipeline routes


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For citation: Voskresensky I.S., Suchilin A.A. GEOINFORMATION ECOLOGY-GEOMORPHOLOGIC ZONING OF MAIN PIPELINE ROUTES ACCORDING TO THE CONDITIONS OF RELIEF-FORMING PROCESSES IN THE ASIAN-PACIFIC REGION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(3):167–178 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-3-23-167-178 (in Russian)