DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-383-393

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About the Authors

Yu. V. Plugatar

Federal State Founded Institution of Science – National Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (FSFIS) “The Labour Red Banner Order Nikitsky Botanical Gardens-National Scientific center”
Russian Federation
Crimea, Yalta, uts Nikita

I. G. Mazina

Federal State Founded Institution of Science – National Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (FSFIS) “The Labour Red Banner Order Nikitsky Botanical Gardens-National Scientific center”
Russian Federation
Crimea, Yalta, uts Nikita

O. A. Ob’yedkova

Volzhsky Humanities Institute (branch) of the Volgograd State University
Russian Federation
Volgograd redion, Voljsky, 40 let Pobedy st, 11

O. I. Korotkov

Federal State Founded Institution of Science – National Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (FSFIS) “The Labour Red Banner Order Nikitsky Botanical Gardens-National Scientific center”
Russian Federation
Crimea, Yalta, uts Nikita


The article provides the data on creating information system (IS) for stocktaking and handling the ornamental woody and herbaceous plants at the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens (NBG) on the basis of a database (DB) and a geographic information system (GIS) for addressing the problems related to the preservation of biological diversity and sustainable development of the territory.

The DB is being created on the basis of a relation model using of an analytic language and a graphic method of displaying the model “object – property – relation” using International Transfer Format (ITF) for coding standard fields. For formation of web maps, the electronic layers are exported to the web-GIS on the NextGIS Web platform and configured into the thematic web maps.

The information on the infological DB model has been provided. Functions to be performed by the IS and its final components have been described. The IS will make it possible to assess the current status of the NBG’s collection funds and plan the collection policy aimed at rehabilitating of plants’ gene pool and enriching the cultivated flora at the Southern Coast of Crimea. 


сollection of the botanical garden, stocktaking and handling, information system, database, web-GIS


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For citation: Plugatar Y.V., Mazina I.G., Ob’yedkova O.A., Korotkov O.I. USING GIS FOR DEVELOPING INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR INVENTORY AND CARE OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN THE NIKITSKY BOTANICAL GARDENS (CRIMEA). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):383–393 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-383-393 (in Russian)