DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-373-382

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About the Authors

N. V. Malysheva

Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry (FBU VNIILM)
Russian Federation
15 Institutskaya st, Pushkino, Moscow Region, 141200

T. A. Zolina

Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry (FBU VNIILM)
Russian Federation
15 Institutskaya st, Pushkino, Moscow Region, 141200

V. Yu. Dedova

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography; 1 Leninskye Gory, Moscow, 119991


Сategories of carbon sequestration assessment for Russian forests are identified by GIS toolkit. Those are uniform by bioclimatic and site-specific conditions strata corresponding to modern version of bioclimatic forest district division. Stratification of forests at early stage substantially reduces the ambiguity of the evaluation because phytomass conversion sequestration capacity and expansion factor dependent on site-specific condition for calculating of forest carbon sink are absolutely necessary. Forest management units were linked to strata. Biomass conversion and expansion factor for forest carbon sink assessment linked to the strata were recalculated for forest management units. All operations were carried out with GIS analytical toolkit due to accessible functionalities. Units for forest carbon storage inventory and forest carbon balance calculation were localized. Production capacity parameters and forest carbon sequestration capacity have been visualized on maps complied by ArcGIS. Based on spatially-explicit information, we have found out that the greatest annual rates of forest’s carbon accumulation in Russian forests fall into mixed coniferous-deciduous forests of European-Ural part of Russia to Kaliningrad, Smolensk and Briansk Regions, coniferous-deciduous forests close to the boundary of Khabarovsk Region and Primorskij Kray in the Far East, as well as separate forest management units of Kabardino-Balkariya NorthCaucasian mountain area. The geospatial visualization of carbon sequestration by Russian forests and carbon balance assessment has been given.


Russian forests, GIS, carbon sequestration, carbon balance, net ecosystem production (NEP)


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For citation: Malysheva N.V., Zolina T.A., Dedova V.Y. ESTIMATION OF CARBON SEQUESTRATION BY RUSSIAN FORESTS: GEOSPATIAL ISSUE. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):373–382 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-373-382 (in Russian)