DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-308-322

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About the Authors

N. S. Kalioujnaia

Volgograd Branch, FSBRI «State Research Institute for Lake and River Fishery»
Russian Federation
400001, Volgograd, 1, Pugachyovskaya st.

I. J. Kalioujnaia

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Faculty of Geography, 

119991, Moscow, 1, Leninskie Gory

V. V. Khoruzhaya

Volgograd Branch, FSBRI «State Research Institute for Lake and River Fishery»
Russian Federation
400001, Volgograd, 1, Pugachyovskaya st.

V. V. Samoteyeva

Volgograd Branch, FSBRI «State Research Institute for Lake and River Fishery»
Russian Federation
400001, Volgograd, 1, Pugachyovskaya st.

E. N. Sokhina

Volgograd Branch, FSBRI «State Research Institute for Lake and River Fishery»
Russian Federation
400001, Volgograd, 1, Pugachyovskaya st.


This paper presents a GIS-based research approach to investigating the status and dynamics of spawning areas of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir (within Volgograd Region), one of the largest inland fishery water bodies in the South of Russia.

The spawning areas were considered in terms of the concept of ecotone origin, of the highly dynamic aquatic-terrestrial transitional environment in which temporary flooding is the main factor determining the diversity of spawning habitats, recruitment conditions, as well as ecosystem productivity.

The processing and interpretation of Landsat images for the spring and low-water seasons for years between 2005 and 2016, in combination with other data (large-scale topographic maps, fishery research, and scientific papers) allowed revealing the location of main spawning areas within the reservoir’s Upper section and to calculate their areas.

For three case study sites located on the left bank of the reservoir, the main natural and anthropogenic factors determining the spawning conditions were identified. Retrospective analysis and synthesis of data on young fish composition and abundance between 1980 and today confirmed the importance of these sites for fish recruitment as well as the opportunities for their improvement by means of restoration measures.

The output maps present the spatial distribution of the spawning areas and the environmental factors directly or indirectly affecting fish recruitment conditions. The most impacted areas have been determined, including the areas affected by abrasion, siltation and eutrophication processes, as well as pollution of the aquatic zone and water protection zone of the reservoir.

The results of the research are useful both for understanding the general environmental conditions of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir and for supporting management decisions towards its improvement. 


upper section of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir, spawning areas, fish recruitment, environmental factors, GIS


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For citation: Kalioujnaia N.S., Kalioujnaia I.J., Khoruzhaya V.V., Samoteyeva V.V., Sokhina E.N. GIS-BASED EXPERIENCE OF INVESTIGATING THE STATUS OF SPAWNING AREAS WITHIN THE UPPER SECTION OF THE TSIMLYANSK RESERVOIR. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):308–322 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-308-322 (in Russian)