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About the Author
S. L. Turkov
Russian Federation
Kim Yoo Chen st, 65, Khabarovsk, 680000
The report highlights some questions of modeling the processes of control for “naturesociety” systems. The purpose and common direction for using the results is to work out the “human-machine” systems of planning (or support) for making the optimum decisions during realization of “Sustainable Development” conception as the official doctrine for the development of Russia (1996).
The research has been based on: the new paradigm of system presentation of the world, the theory of “noosphere” by P.T. de Chardin, E. Le Roy, V.I. Vernadsky, “new theory of entropy” by A.N. Panchenkov (1999). The object of research is the class of Active Complexly organized “nature-society” systems; the subject – concepts of “balance” for integrated systems and Conception of “Sustainable Development”; the methods for researching are the Game-Theory modeling, the “Game against Nature”, coalition, cooperation etc according to condition for staging problems, games. During modeling this ensures the full integration of all accessible today natural sciences knowledge, as well as possibility to carry out computing operations of situation control for “naturesociety” systems.
The research foresees execution of the following five stages of the problem study. Information modeling for possible structures of object (the starting field of knowledge is “geoecology”). The system analysis and synthesis of permissible dynamics and outside conditions of its development. The mathematical modeling for natural resources used at regional and local levels. The technological design work (the GIS-, GRID-technologies and artificial intellect systems for control of making decisions). The numerical experiments and checking the efficiency of models and algorithms. Methodically they are presented as a consecutively connected aggregate of “structure”, “functional” and “normative” models. A new – “geosystem” – approach offered to research the problems of sustainable development, which includes the external (the “technogenic”) and internal (or the “soft”, i.e. supporting and restoring the ecological balance) possibilities of the Nature and Society management. In terms of the “new theory of entropy” the following scientific formulations of concepts have been worked out: the class of “nature-society” system; the conflict (in conditions of uncertainty; this is the main functional process of its development). Also the main (or basic) formulas and scheme have been worked out and suggested, which permits making the optimum control decisions in the current practice of the region natural resources use.
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For citation: Turkov S.L. MODELING THE PROCESSES OF CONTROL OF COMPLEXLY ORGANIZED “NATURE-SOCIETY” SYSTEMS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):117–130 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-117-130 (in Russian)