DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-94-108

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About the Authors

S. V. Ryazantsev

Institute for Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences; MGIMO-University
Russian Federation

119333, Moscow, Fotievoi st., 6, b. 1;

119454, Moscow, Vernadskogo ave, 76

E. E. Pismennaya

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky ave, 51/1

M. N. Khramova

Institute for Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
119333, Moscow, Fotievoi st., 6, b. 1

A. S. Lukyanets

Институт социально-политических исследований РАН
Russian Federation
119333, Moscow, Fotievoi st., 6, b. 1

S. Yu. Sivoplyasova

Институт социально-политических исследований РАН
Russian Federation
119333, Moscow, Fotievoi st., 6, b. 1


The article describes the geographical features and trends of emigration of Russian citizens to the countries of Southeast Asia on the basis of a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign statistics. The results of sociological research in these countries have been used: interviews with experts and migrant citizens of various countries of the former USSR who live or stay in Southeast Asia for more than six months. In the course of the study, a comprehensive methodology was developed and the degree of favorableness of the migration and visa regimes of the Southeast Asian countries for Russian citizens has been assessed for a number of characteristics. Factors attracting Russian citizens to the countries of the region in the context of the migration theory of the factors of “pull and push” have been revealed. The socio-demographic structure of migration flows and the geographical features of the resettlement of Russian citizens in the Southeast Asian countries have been considered. The main channels of migration of Russian citizens to the region are given: temporary labor migration, migration for permanent residence, and tourism. Several groups of Russian-speaking migrants in the Southeast Asian countries have been singled out: migrants who have moved to permanent residence, as a rule, opened their own businesses; temporary migrant workers who work for several years in Southeast Asia, are tied to work and are planning to return to Russia after some time; temporary migrants who live in Southeast Asia for several months and periodically return to Russia; Russian women who married citizens of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries – former students who studied in the USSR and Russia. On the basis of expert assessments, the types of migration and visa regimes of the countries of Southeast Asia for Russian citizens have been highlighted. Specifics of the formation of Russian-speaking communities in the countries of the region are established, including the specificity in the main countries – Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore. It has been determined that Russian-speaking communities are becoming an important social and economic phenomenon and influence the political relations of Russia with the countries of the region.


migration, factors, forms, trends, geography, Russian citizens, Southeast Asia


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For citation: Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E., Khramova M.N., Lukyanets A.S., Sivoplyasova S.Y. EMIGRATION FROM RUSSIA TO SOUTHEAST ASIA: FACTORS, GEOGRAPHY AND IMPLICATIONS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2017;23(1):94–108 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2017-1-23-94-108 (in Russian)